Saturday, October 3, 2009

Other Blogs and Me

I am a blog stalker mostly. I am not big on leaving comments on others blogs, but I do enjoy reading blogs. I have found some really great blogs that really inspire me. Blogs where the honesty of their story can make you cry. Folks that tell the truth like that talk about how it is therapy for them. I know journaling and such have gotten me through some crazy times when I just needed to get it out. But I am thankful for those that have the courage to put their honest stories out there, and in turn motivate others to do great things. There are stories that make me realize that I do have a pretty comfortable life and can and should do more to help those in need. There are stories that remind me of how precious my children and husband are as I read about a mother losing her child, or a wife losing her husband too soon. There are stories that remind me of the amazing journey of adoption we took with Sophia, and that I need to tell my story and encourage others to care for the orphans. There are those blogs that just make me laugh until my sides split as I realize that many are on the same crazy journey I am raising my kids. It is fun to read a blog to catch up with a distant friend or even a friend I don't get to see often enough. It is like having coffee (or a Pepsi in my case) with them and catching up as I hear about their kids, their ups and downs, their house changes, and all of their everyday life. If you are looking for some new blogs to stalk, check out my sidebar. Big Nanny is getting ready to go to Africa to help Katie who is already there. Sherri at Operation Giggle is organizing a great thing for Chirstmas for the New Day Foster Home in China. Go ahead be a stalker and be inspired by every day people just like us.
After yesterdays crazy blog, I decided that is what I want to start doing with my blog. I started this blog as a great way for my family to keep up with my growing crew. I still want to keep everyone up to date on the chaos that is my life, but every once in awhile I want to be honest. I want to tell you the story of bringing home Sophia so that you might be inspired to look into adoption. Do I expect to become some famous blogger? No, but if there is someone besides my family and close friends reading this - I want to see if I can make even a little difference in someones life.
Have a great day, and keep stalking me! :-)

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