Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Art of Dentistry Strikes Again!

As some may recall, I started off 2009 at the dentist. I have always said that I hated the dentist. Yesterday, I decided that wasn't really a fair thing to say. Because my primary dentist is really a hoot, and I do like her. However, I have decided it is the "art of dentistry" that I have a very very strong dislike for. Yesterday I went for one of two appointments to replace my bridge work in the back of my mouth. For a normal mouthed person this does not sound like a lot of fun. But for someone like me who the out of ordinary always seems to take place in relation to my mouth (yes, both in my teeth and quite often the words that I say). Anywhoooo . . . I was weary that this would be an easy two appointment procedure. And boy, was I right? After sawing off the old bridgework . . . yes I said SAWING . . . no amount of music out of the i-pod could keep that sound from bouncing around in my head and making the hair on my arms stand up and my toes curl. It was HORRIBLE! Once the old bridge came out in multiple pieces, it was (of course) discovered that the back tooth . . . the one I had the lovely root canal procedure on at the la-te-da dentist back in January . .. that ole back tooth was pretty well done. After digging . . . and digging . . . and digging . . . on it, Ms Dentist said that there was nothing left of the tooth to make bridge work out of again. So . . . guess what? NOW . . . my two appt procedure became . . . an appointment with an oral surgeon to have said nasty back tooth pulled and consult on if I need an implant back in there. Oh and I probably won't be able to just have an implant because my sinus wall is so close to where the tooth would need to be I will probably need a bone graft to lift my sinus wall before an implant can be placed in. Ms Dentist has had this done . . . her words "No fun!". ERRRRR! And besides my visit to the oral surgeon, I do still get my second visit with Ms Dentist because I have to have the front tooth crowned because it has been living under that bridge work for sometime. So you see, the art of dentistry has bit me in the britches once again. I am thinking of going for the pure redneck look and just having them all pulled and gum my food.

1 comment:

Jody said...

You poor thing.. Mom sympathizes :)