Friday, July 11, 2008

My Sophia

When we began the adoption journey for Sophia, we had these images of bows and dresses, pinks and purples, shoes and shopping, Barbies and baby dolls . . . what we got was Lightning McQueen and Tow Mater, bugs and dirt, blue and red, Nascar and wrestling. And you know what, she is perfect just like that.
It had been us and the boys for almost 6 years when we decided to adopt a little girl from China. We knew that God was leading us to adoption and to China. And we knew our little girl was there waiting for us to bring her home forever. What we didn't know was how much she would bless us! She is such a smart, full of spunk little girl. She is an independent thinker who knows what she wants. While she has her moments of challenge, I can't imagine her any other way.
One thing I also had imagined when we were waiting for Sophia was doing her hair. Learning how to French braid it, putting it up in cool, fun hair dos, all that girlie hair stuff. Well, if you have met my Sophia or even glanced at the photos of her on the blog, you know she has beautiful long brown hair. However, she has ZERO interest in letting me do anything with it. It is a challenge to just get a brush through it in the morning. We had been talking off and on that if she didn't want to cry through the morning brushing, that she should get it cut. Occasionally she would say she wanted it like Dawson's. Today she decided was the day she wanted her hair cut off. And she is so cute . . . er . . . I mean cool (something else to note about Sophia, she does not like to hear words like cute or beautiful when talking about her, she is a cool chic and that is that).
Here are the before and after shots of my cool chic. I think you and I can agree that she is indeed beautiful and an amazing gift that God has given me!


Becky said...

She is indeed beautiful and such a blessing. And her pictures cover the top part of my refrigerator door. I need some new ones as a matter of fact - hint, hint. Tell Sophia that Miss Becky loves her!!

Anonymous said...

Love the haircut! She looks so grownup!

Anonymous said...

Sophia - You are one of the coolest chicks I know!!! Great haircut!!!