I have found over the last week bloggable things, but none that really could warrant a full blog of their own. So for you now today, I have those not quite full blog moments:
1) My tooth is feeling better. The day after pain was not near what I feared. I now am (not) looking forward to the appointment where my 10 year old bridgework will be ripped out of my mouth to be replaced with some shiny new pricey bridgework.
2) I am reading Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey. And yes, the next step is to start the Total Money Makeover in the Stahly House. Dave has this word he wants me to start using, that word is NO. I think I will be fine with saying NO to the kids, and NO to Jeff, but NO to me???? Hmmm . . . with that comes budget line items like Race in April, Race in October, Vacation in July . . .and my favorite budget line item is Retail Therapy. The jury is still out on if my Retail Therapy is cheaper than a true blue therapist.
3) Dawson had a note worthy comment to make yesterday. We were listening to our local Christain radio station. They do these little pre-recorded tidbits where an artist comes on and talks about a song they wrote, what it means to them, and what they hope the listener gets out of it. One of these came on last night and Dawson was commenting on how the artist was making a lot of sense with what he was saying. And then the radio station went to commercial. Dawson's comment "Well, that makes no sense. Why tell me all about a song, get me wanting to hear it, and then not play it?" I agree, and wonder that also.
4) Sophia and her deep thinking questions were drilling me again this morning on the way to school. New readers might be unaware that our Sophia loves the deep questions. This morning she started talking about babies and how they are in momma's tummies. She has been getting more and more into trying to understand the logistics behind her being adopted. She wants to know the details about how it came to be I think. This morning she was talking about Gracie having been in my tummy. And how she must have been in someones tummy at some point. I said yes, you were in your China momma's tummy. She was quiet for a bit, and then replied with - My China momma had to know I was in her tummy, and I had to come out of her tummy - so how come she isn't my momma? (believe me I about lost it in tears here as her sweet little mind is trying to put all this together). I reminded her how God has a plan for each of our lives, and His plan for her was to be a part of our family. And His plan for her China momma was for her to give birth to Sophia and then let her come live with us forever. Again she thought for a minute and then said - That was a good plan He had. Precious how she can take it all in and just accept what plan God has for her! I pray that she is always able to see it through God's eyes, and that she is a reminder to others that God is in control.
5) Not such a deep thought but funny . . . I actually ran out of toilet paper. Now for some of you that is no big deal. But there are four folks out there who will be totally frustrated with me that I allowed this to happen - my parents and my aunt and uncle in KS. I am not sure if there was some sort of TP Shortage in the 50's or something, but these folks at any given time will have close to 100 rolls of TP on hand. I mean if you open a new pack and place it in a bathroom, you now need to go to Wal-Mart to replenish the supply. It is an odd sort of thing. If I had that much TP on hand, I would be inclined to want to use it to say TP my friends houses. I would also be frustrated at the amount of space that it took up. And furthermore, I don't think Dave would think it wise of me to put my financial stability in TP. It just doesn't seem like a sound investment. So as I realized I was out of TP, I thought of my parents and aunt and uncle, isn't that sweet?
I am sure there were more almost blog worthy moments in our house over the last week, but I really wanted to leave you thinking about 96 rolls of TP being stored in my parents house in NE.
Girl - You need to add me to the list of people that are disappointed about no TP in the house. Growing up, WE ALWAYS ran out of TP and I promised myself that as an adult...my home with overflow with TP and Diet Coke!!!! Of course, that is if the good Lord is willin' and the creek don't rise!!!
I think the TP gene may have passed me over too---though we've never run out we've come close!
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